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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  May 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news and that breaking news is making a mess of the evening commute tonight. the chp tells us both directions of interstate 80 are closed in fairfield. >> due to a standoff with the potentially armed suspect. thanks for joining us on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow.
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officials believe the suspect in all of this was involved in the shooting citizen app. video shows the scene just a little while ago. this all apparently started earlier today. >> on the southbound lanes of highway 101 near windsor. then shortly after 3 this afternoon that the car was spotted by officers in rohnert park. police then chased the driver to the area near the richmond. sandra fell bridge. >> the suspect eventually led officers eastbound on interstate 80 towards fairfield, which is where this standoff be. get the chp has issued a severe traffic alert due to the police activity. the standoff on 80 that is near where it intersects with 6.80, in fairfield, again, all lanes in both directions are currently blocked. drivers are advised to expect some delays. this is a look at the traffic. now you see. throughout the area. there's no estimated time for reopening the roadway as
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standoff is active right now, we have a crew headed to the scene. we're going update you as we learn more information >> it's clear to me that these lives were all in grave danger. and these officers of the reason they survived this horrific and traumatic incident. >> we now know the name of the man who shot 2 san jose police officers late last night has been identified by police as 33 year-old kevin briones. >> it happened about 10, 30 last night at the extended stay. america hotel on san ignacio avenue. san jose, the city's police chief says at least one of the officers returned fire on briones and he is now in stable but critical condition at the hospital. >> kron four's rob nesbitt was at today's press conference. he joins us live from outside the police department with the very latest details. rob. >> the well in grand, according to police, a woman with the restraining order against briones called police when she found out that he was
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outside of her hotel room. the 33 year-old fired shots at 2 responding officers. >> this was the scene outside of san jose extended stay america hotel thursday night when police say 33 year-old kevin briones shot 2 police officers according to chief paul joseph, a woman at the hotel called police after breonna's knocked on her hotel door. her children ages 8, 10 15 were also in the hotel room. >> what we had was an armed, dangerous felon showing up in the middle of the night at the hotel room where domestic violence survivor and her 3 children were with a with a pistol chief. joseph says the woman had a restraining order against briones and he was on probation with 2 felony warrants out for his arrest. 2 responding officers had an exchange with briones at the hotel. >> one with one euro police experience and the other with 3. this is body camera footage from their exchange when chief joseph says briones pulled a gun from his duffel bag and shot both officers. the
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suspect continued running, broke through a plate glass window and jumped out of the 3rd floor hallway to the ground outside of the hotel. at least one of the officers fired shots at briones while he was running away. he was found hiding in bushes outside the hotel. the 33 year-old is now in police custody at the hospital where he's in stable, but critical condition. both officers were also taken to the hospital. one was released friday morning while the officer with one year of experience remains in critical condition. last night's events offer a stark reminder. >> of the solemn oath they take to protect and serve our city in the immense personal risk. they assume as they carry out their jobs each day, the woman inside the hotel room with her 3 children were not harmed during the shootout. there are no words that can convey how thankful i am. >> that our officers. and the mother and children, they were protecting all made it to see the morning. according to chief jonas briones was using a stolen handgun.
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>> the chief also says that in the city of san jose, 12 officers have been shot at in the last 15 months. 5 of them have been hit with bullets reporting live in san jose. i'm rob nesbitt. kron. 4 news. rob, thank you. following. >> that shooting residents were told to shelter in place. we did speak with one neighbor who thought she heard fireworks outside. >> of a sudden about 2 later. and it was a cop him like what's going on. they're going him. yeah, to reject like everybody's what's going on. shelter in place looking door, stay down into the low as you can. all i could see was blood and blast outside the room. so i don't know if it was in the room or in the hallway. >> frightening for people in that neighborhood. that shelter-in-place lasted about 90 minutes. of course. stay with kron. 4 here on air and online for the very latest on this shooting. be sure to download the free kron 4 app. you can get push alerts sent to your phone when news breaks. >> another big story tonight is the weather as we take a
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live look outside on this friday night. just another beautiful day in the bay area. lots of sunshine and warm temperatures. yeah, >> sounds like all of that is going to in the overnight hours. i believe lawrence karnow is here. he's got a little bit more detail. what we can expect a more and yeah, it's going to be a major soaker specially as we're going to see this storm system rolling with the punches early tomorrow morning. then i think as we head toward noon, things are going to begin to back off a little bit. still some scattered showers, but the brunt of the storm coming through early on. you're going here at early tomorrow morning. rain could be heavy at times. you got some gusty winds around the bay area right now. those winds will kick up a little bit into the evening hours. but as we head through the night tonight, things are going to begin to change temperatures very comfortable. what a contrast we're going to see right now. we're in the mid 70's, the warmest valleys 60's along the coastline beginning to see some patchy fog moving in toward the beaches right now. so yeah, we are starting to cool things down light least along the coast. but yeah,
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everything is about the changes. we've got a cold front off the coastline started inflows, low clouds and fog just begin to move in along the coast. but here it is. and how about that for a storm that looks very impressive. sitting off the coastline already bringing some rain in the pacific northwest about to make its way into northern california tonight. if you're headed out, you're ok, it's going to stay dry and breezy. but tomorrow, a lot of rain coming our way. all measure that. take out some measurements and figure how much we'll see in your neighborhood coming up in a few minutes. sounds good. thank you, lawrence. tonight, pro-palestine supporters that set up an encampment uc berkeley are negotiating with school officials. so far though no agreement has been reached. that would end the occupation on campus. among the protesters demands they want the university to financially divest from israeli interests, condemn what the israelis are doing in gaza militarily and they also want students and teachers at cal to be allowed to speak freely about the conflict without fear of punishment.
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cleanup is under way following chaos here at ucla. look at that mess. crews have been making repairs and cleaning up the remnants from that week-long demonstration in occupation on campus. more than 200 people were arrested after a raid yesterday. the aftermath let left all of this. the bridge just a ton of it dismantled tents, leftover food, helmets, trash. it was all scattered well over the quad after officers forcibly cleared that encampment. more than 5,000 uc alumni from all 10 campuses have signed a letter pledging to stop donating money to their schools. the letter asks university system leaders to divest from the u.s. military and companies, the profit from what they say is israel's oppression of palestinians. usc is now planning to host a celebration for the graduating class at the la memorial
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coliseum. after canceling its main stage ceremony a few weeks ago. each graduate will receive up to 6 tickets for family and friends. the celebration as they're calling it will feature drone shows. surprise performances and the usc marching band. usc has been the site of pro-palestinian protest since last month when the university chose to pull the valedictorian speech over security concerns. the school first canceled outside speakers but decided to scrub the main stage event altogether. stay with kron. 4 on air and online for the latest info on the israel-hamas war from campus. protests to the war itself to the latest on the hostages. you head to our website kron 4 dot com. new at 5, an arson investigation now under way following the fire that destroyed famed horn barbecue restaurant. >> in oakland, it happened just a few days before thanksgiving last year. that's
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a look at the aftermath there. since then owner matt horne has maintained his restaurant was targeted by arson. and today officials confirmed it saying the fire was deliberately set. no word tonight on a suspect just yet horn barbecue did reopen just last week as part of horns. other restaurant matty's old-fashioned located in downtown oakland. driverless cars are in fact coming to the peninsula waymo now it plans to expand its services south to sunnyvale. the pilot program will at first only be available to waymo employees who will be able to order writer only trips anywhere from san francisco down to san mateo and burlingame, the california public utilities commission approved the expansion back in january. >> oakland's first fridays is underway. the monthly event kicked off just a few minutes ago. so you still plenty of time to get on down there. if you'd like. it's on telegraph between 27th and 22nd goes until 9 o'clock. tonight, the
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monthly event had been on a hiatus of sorts for 3 months because of financial issues. but organizers say they're now glad to be back because first friday's help celebrate the arts culture and community of oakland. san jose is kicking off a new program to try to help revitalize downtown there. they're launching 5 new pop-up shops. it's all part of the city's a storefront activation program, which they hope will reduce commercial vacancies and improve public safety. >> welcoming 5 new retail businesses and to store fronts. >> all local women-owned businesses offering retail experience that highlights our city's unique energy and personality. >> mayor mahan said the project will help to reduce barriers for new businesses to get started in downtown san jose. >> in a story you will only see here on kron 4, a grocery store worker robbed thousands
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of dollars gunpoint. we hear from the store owner who is scared for her employees safety. >> plus, a different kind of scare in the air assaults on airplanes are on the rise. we have the latest data from the fbi. but first, we're continuing our coverage of that standoff in fairfield. interstate 80 blocked in both directions will be speaking live with the chp next.
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welcome back to kron. 4 news at 5 a few minutes. we'll be speaking live with the chp officer about that. >> closure of interstate 80 in both directions in fairfield. in the meantime, we take a
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live look outside here from the crowd for studios in san francisco. but sunny and just a nice day in the bay, i think a lot of folks are thinking off summers really here and >> got a lot of sunshine. but lawrence says not so fast. yeah. want to go for the high country. maybe do a little camping outside that bbq. gone. some hotdogs. marshmallow. some smores and. >> well, now we're talking about snow coming our way. how about that? you've got to be really prepared if you're headed to the high country this weekend, the storm is no joke. we're going to see a significant amount of snow moving in here over the next. 24 to 48 hours right now half dome right now, looking beautiful out there. some snow capped mountains. still some partly cloudy skies up there right now. but the main event still yet to come. that will be rolling in as we head throughout the day tomorrow outside. right now, you still see some of the snow capped mountains looking up toward the tahoe area down to kirkwood. they're going to see a lot of snow across the high country. temperatures want to show you this right now. we're looking at numbers in the 50's, even some 60's and the truckee tomorrow, there's going to take a major nosedive
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in maybe only highs in the 30's as we get in towards sunday. so a drastic change is coming to the sierra nevada. not only here we're going to feel it in the bay area, but in the high country, they're going to feel it to. this is all part of the same storm. a very cold storm coming up, the gulf of alaska just kind of winding up right now is going to be spreading south as we head through the night tonight and tomorrow as well. so if you're headed that way, this late season storm going to bring a lot of snow. heavy snow, gusty winds and some places snow level down to 5,000 feet. that means lake level down tahoe. you're going to see snow right there. lake level. now we're looking at maybe 8 to 12 inches of snow above 7,000 feet. be talking about 20 inches. plus at the higher elevations. so this is a significant storm that is rolling in the sierra nevada. you can likely see some delays up very cold temperatures. if you're headed that direction, don't expect you're going go up there and t-shirts flip-flops up. there is a very cold storm system rolling ie with some gusty winds. we've got winter storm warnings continue across the sierra nevada. not only in the great lake tahoe, but even further
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south that is going to be going on and throughout the weekend. i think probably tapering off a little bit as we head in towards sunday. but sunday's highs tomorrow will probably only in the 30's out there. so i mean, we're going from 60's in truckee today down to the 30's and freezing as we for the weekend. great for the snowpack, though. i mean, i don't expect really anything at point. it's just kind of great, right? usually get maybe an inch or 2. and you're happy with that. we're talking nearly 2 feet of snow across some of the highest peaks. remember this happening in recent history? not i don't remember recent memory i had. i'm sure it's happened before go back and look. but >> yeah, sometimes you get these storms. i've seen him in august before see these cold storms come in and actually get snow there, too. so this year you got to be careful, especially traveling up thanks. welcome. >> we are continuing to follow breaking news. it's making a mess of the evening commute. is it ever? the chp tells us both directions of interstate 80 are closed and fairfield because of a standoff with the potentially armed suspect. and
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officer david to route is joining us now live on the phone with the latest on the situation officer what can you tell us where things stand right now with the negotiations? >> well, there's making the safest you can see the bear cat is out there. and we we have every reason to believe that there's a weapon in that car. so we can't just go make a an approach on it on so that we have to you take every precaution we can use all equipment available on, get there safely. >> can describe for us exactly how we got to this point in their car become disabled a crash and then the standoff started. can you walk us through that? >> yes, so there was a long pursuit that started in rohnert park earlier today. and but tires a spike strip and the vehicle eventually did stop. and that's where we're at out on the a
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>> if we can go back even further, you know, we've been reporting that there was some kind of shooting. was a freeway shooting on 1, near windsor. that kind of kicked this all off. >> yeah. southbound want to one around 11:00am today. there was reports of a suv. sorry, there's a lot of feedback. southbound 1, there was a shots fired call in 2 and a black suv. there was nobody hit in that vehicle that the victim exit the freeway spoke with bhp. >> we've got a good description of the suspect which was a toyota corolla and drew the next few hours of investigation. current found a license plate. we need a vehicle without a runner. part and one of our officers actually located the vehicle. in a shopping plaza in rohnert park. in the vehicle was occupied at that time. we got
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extra patrol vehicles over there. to make contact with the driver. but then he fled the so that's when this pursuit started. and that was about 2 o'clock this afternoon. >> it went down 101 and then the vehicle was spotted. it was near the richmond. sandra fell bridge to police chase goldman frost, the to the east bay. yes. >> yes into these bay are in across. 37. >> 37 planes traveling. >> around normal freeway speeds like 65 70 miles an hour. so we yeah behind it the whole way with our air above. >> and i'm sorry. it was it across highway 37 or the richmond, sandra fell bridge had to go for the north bay stay well kept turning around on it was about yeah. to kind of went on a loop. so it started on the richmond center fell bridge and then. somehow went the other way. i'm i'm
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not really follow exactly how. >> both after the 3rd went out to 37, then turned around and went back westbound. 37, okay. so we the whole way are and then back down towards the 5.80, exit, the 5.80. >> and when a craftsman, the richmond, sandra fell. >> into the open u.s. europe >> in the fairfield can you describe for us? i i mean, there's a lot of traffic, obviously, a lot of folks trying to figure out how they can get where they need to go tonight. are there any routes that that are available for folks? i mean, obviously some are literally trapped there on on the freeway. but are you moving folks out hows? how is traffic going? >> avoid the area at all this is going to be near the highway. 12 transition to the 80. i know vehicles are stopped and we're doing everything we can to get this cleared as soon as we can. but obviously we have to take
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every precaution necessary due weapon, possibly being in the vehicle. we're trying to do it as soon as possible. >> was this vehicle known to law enforcement prior to this or this is the first time this vehicle has been involved in anything. >> i'm not sure this time. >> do you have you had any contact verbally with the suspect or anyone in the suspect car since this came to a stop. >> and also, i don't i'm not sure that one. >> am not sure if there's anyone else in the vehicle. just the driver. >> we believe it's just the one. but i again not confirmed of any shots being fired or have have officers actually seen a gun during the chase. >> i don't believe so. what? shots have been fired since the initial one this morning. understood. and could you potentially bring in some kind of armored vehicle to to go closer to the car, too.
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>> i don't know. try to expedite this. is that an option yet? >> and that's what there's a bearcat on scene. i'm sure they're developing a plan to make contact with with the driver. okay. >> officer david to route with the chp. thank you for giving us a better idea and a clear picture of what led to this point and what you all arep doing to try and mitigate the again, both directions of 80 arc closed in the fairfield area. so steer clear of that area. officer thank you. welcom
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type of scare in the air. the fbi raising awareness about assaults on airplanes. federal crime is becoming a serious issue. disturbing. no doubt that scott force philippe djegal reports women and minors who fly alone. >> are often the victims. >> in-flight assaults generally happen on long-haul trips when the cabin is dark, the victim is sleeping in the middle or window seat and covered with a blanket or jacket waking up to their seatmates hands inside their clothing or underwear. that's according to the fbi. it does surprise me. i've i've always felt very safe, very shocking. and why would you go around touch? you know, people want to sleep. >> especially of the opposite. the fbi says men are typically the perpetrators, women and unaccompanied minors are often the victims. the assault ers prey on people who consume alcohol and or prescription drugs to relax and unfortunately, let their guard down this crime is shocking to
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travelers. never never happened last year. the fbi open 96 cases based on in-flight assaults. >> but investigators say many cases may go unreported because victims may feel embarrassed or do not want to cause a scene. we can't do anything unless we know about a violation. >> if the victim feels that they're in danger. in other words, something is happening, they should notify the crew immediately. they should contact a flight attendant. >> make the play that i'm aware of what's going on with warmer weather and travel season kicking up the fbi advises passengers to be aware of their surroundings. >> predators often test potential victims by brushing up against them. >> to test their reaction. so establish boundaries and keep the armrest between you down. >> philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> i certainly didn't think that asking the individual to allow me to continue the interview provoke violent reaction.
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>> for the first time since this fight, we sit down one-on-one with mayor matt mahan. the hear what was going through his head as his security guard got into a fight with a man who was interrupting an interview he we
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track breaking news that is now in the north bay. the chp tells us both lanes both directions of interstate 80 are closed in fairfield. >> because of a standoff with potentially armed suspect. officials say that suspect was involved in a shooting on one around 11 o'clock this morning, a shot into an suv. no


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